From Runabout to Superyacht
A boat’s paint job is often worth way more than it’s engine. Yet many owners are happy to spend thousands on an engine service while getting their sweaty knickers in a twist to protect the paint job, gelcoat and Clears worth a year’s income.
Truth is, that SealX products, applied DIY or by professionals, are part of a necessary NZ boat service. Feel free to ignore that and have your boat repainted or the Clears replaced way earlier than necessary. And at way more money these days than you ever thought it would cost!
Sad fact is, that we Kiwis are not particularly great on preventative maintenance. We repair things when they are broken. THAT we are bloody good at that! But it’s a tad of a waste of hard earned, let alone already taxed, money. Spending a fraction of the repair cost or a repaint on a bit of paint protection every year doesn’t only look good, it actually saves money. Apart from making you look sharp on the dock. Plus it’s gonna sell your pride and joy for a better price, faster, when your time comes to upgrade to something better and bigger.
At no obligations, get in touch with your local SealX applicator now or call Tom to get your DIY kit speced to your very own, personal requirements.
Private note: Just in case you wonder if we know about boats or just paddling product ? Got my first “Optimist” when I was 5 years old. Sailed anything which floated until I was 30. Then ran our 60foot sloop around the world in charter for 10 years to finally own and operate our International Yacht Services boat-yard in Whangarei to 2020. Lilly and I distributed SealX to NZ from Whangarei since 2008.
Knowing boats ……YES, we do!
Call Tom Mueller on 021 469972 or go to